Home | 3D printers | ZIAS BPrint Mini
ZIAS BPrint Mini

ZIAS BPrint Mini

This model is the basic modification of the 3D Printer, with has great flexibility in the technological settings, which is especially important for Universities, design offices, and research laboratories.

Allows to research new technological methods to making prototypes, to estimate the castability and workability.

Наименование параметров и характеристик Значение
1 Электропитание 220V, 50 Hz, max 10 kW
3 Степень защиты оборудования, в том числе электрооборудования IP55
5 Скорость построения, см3 Up to 16500
6 Толщина слоя, мм 0,3-0,5
7 Точность печати, мкм 100
8 Габаритные размеры изготавливаемых форм, мм 700х400х400
9 Габаритные размеры принтера (ДхШхВ), мм 3000x2500x2000
10 Масса, кг 500

Maintaining and warranty service.

Inland delay-free procurement of consumables and materials

Quick technical support


  • High quality and trouble-free operation of the equipment
  • The software of own development
  • Ability to manufacture products of any configuration with improved quality indicators
  • Reduced production time
  • Energy saving
  • Molding shop automation
  • Decrease in molding shop area
  • Improvement of environmental conditions of production
For questions and offers

Moscow, st. Nametkina 12, buiding A, floor 19

+7 (495) 632-02-56

+7 911-120-41-16

Production: Saint-Peteersburg, dor na Metallostroy 3/2

R&D Department: St. Petersburg, st. Ivana Fomina 6, building A, office 226

+7 (911) 120-41-16